Pregnancy Specialist

Gateway OB/GYN
Darshna Chandrasekhara, MD, FACOG
OB/GYN & Infertility Specialist located in Irving, TX
Whether you’re thinking of becoming pregnant or you’re already expecting, Dr. Darshna Chandrasekhara at Gateway OB/GYN in Irving, Texas, offers her medical expertise and compassion to guide you along your pregnancy journey. Having a dedicated team of healthcare professionals can make all the difference. Call Dr. Chandrasekhara at Gateway OB/GYN today or schedule an appointment online.
Pregnancy Q & A
What is your first step in pregnancy?
First, you should schedule an appointment with Dr. Chandrasekhara so she can assess your overall health and determine an appointment schedule to closely monitor your pregnancy. She will get you started on prenatal vitamins, including folic acid. Excellent prenatal care is even more important for women with high-risk pregnancies.
If you’re considering becoming pregnant, Dr. Chandrasekhara recommends scheduling an appointment for a pre-pregnancy healthcare check-up.
What is a high-risk pregnancy?
Having a high-risk pregnancy means that you and your baby need extra care and monitoring to help you have a healthy and successful pregnancy. This includes more ultrasounds, tests, and office visits than women without high-risk pregnancy. A high-risk pregnancy can present challenges before, during, and after your pregnancy. In some cases, women with high-risk pregnancy may need to have a Caesarean section or be induced for labor.
What risk factors contribute to a high-risk pregnancy?
Pre-existing medical conditions or a condition that develops during pregnancy that affects you or your baby can lead to a high-risk pregnancy. Factors that increase your chance of having a high-risk pregnancy include:
- If you’re 35 years or older
- Smoking cigarettes, drinking alcohol, and using illegal drugs
- Your previous pregnancy history: prior C-section, low birth weight baby or preterm birth
- Your family history of genetic conditions, pregnancy loss, or the death of a baby shortly after birth
- Chronic conditions such as diabetes, high blood pressure, and epilepsy
- Complications that develop during pregnancy, such as problems with the uterus, cervix, or placenta
- If you’re carrying twins, triplets, or a higher order multiple
What should you expect during pregnancy?
A healthy pregnancy usually lasts about 40 weeks. This is counted from the first day of your last menstrual period, which is about two weeks before conception actually occurs. The process of pregnancy is divided into three trimesters. Each of these periods lasts between 12 and 13 weeks. Your body experiences different changes throughout each trimester.
- First trimester (weeks 1-12): You’ll experience a lot of symptoms as you adjust to the hormonal changes of pregnancy. There won’t be many visible changes externally, but internally your body is experiencing many changes.
- Second trimester (weeks 13-27): Some of the unpleasant symptoms of early pregnancy may lessen. Usually, your sleeping improves and energy levels may increase. A more visible baby bump appears.
- Third trimester (weeks 28-40): You may feel short of breath since your lungs have less room to expand. Your ankles, hands, feet, and face may swell as you retain more fluids and your blood circulation slows. You’ll most likely need to urinate more, and your breasts may start to leak as they prepare for breastfeeding.
From family planning and conception to delivery and postnatal care, Dr. Chandrasekhara and the staff at Gateway OB/GYN are here to support you through every step of your pregnancy. Call Dr. Chandrasekhara today or schedule an appointment online.